Evaluation Officer (m/f/d) (Personalvorauswahl durch AMS)

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Personalvorauswahl durch AMS
Arbeiter_innen/Angestellte (Dauerdienstverhältnis)
1070 Wien


Allgemeine Informationen:

Die EU-Förderagentur GmbH (kurz: EUFA) wickelt als Non-profit Unternehmen mit internationaler Ausrichtung der Aktivitäten,
EU-Förderprogramme sowie Förderprojekte für den Magistrat der Stadt Wien ab. Sie ist als administratives Bindeglied für
alle notwendigen Dienstleistungen zur Umsetzung der Fördervorhaben, für das Personal- und Finanzmanagement sowie für
das Fördermanagement zuständig. Einer der Schwerpunkte der EUFA ist die Anstellung von Expert:innen, die für die Abwicklung eines EU-Projektes bzw. Programmes erforderlich sind. Dadurch ist es den Dienststellen möglich, das breite Feld von EU-Förderungen für die Stadt zu nutzen und Projekte über Anstellungsverhältnisse der EUFA optimal abzuwickeln.

Die EUFA sucht zum ehest möglichen Eintritt eine/en


1 Evaluation Officer (m/f/d)


(40 hrs/week, maternity leave replacement)
Further rmation and relevant documents can be found at: https://danube-region.eu/

Job objective
The Evaluation Officer, located in Vienna, further develops the monitoring and the evaluation plan for EUSDR, is responsible for procurement and coordination of EUSDR evaluations, presents the results of the next evaluation. He/she further coordinates the development and implementation of a monitoring concept of the EUSDR. He/she coordinates DSP-related tasks in connection with the Action Plan of EUSDR and serves as central contact within the DSP and the EUSDR for all monitoring and the evaluation activities.

Key tasks
Development and implementation of the evaluation strategy for EUSDR, responsible for procurement of the evaluation and implementation with external providers and EUSDR core-stakeholders
Development and implementation of the monitoring system for EUSDR
Contributing to outline the general strategy to improve the implementation of the Action Plan of EUSDR
Supporting the regular Implementation reports of the EUSDR
Support in Developing a long-term relationship with funding programmes relevant for DSP, the EUSDR and core-stakeholders in order to assess their needs and develop appropriate services for embedding of the EUSDR into EU, national and regional programmes
Reporting to the DSP Coordinator on progress of the implementation of the work plan

Job profile
University degree in relevant disciplines
Several years experience with European Cohesion Policy (and/or macro-regional strategies)
Experience with monitoring, reporting and evaluation
Knowledge of ETC regulatory framework (regulations, delegated acts, guidance)
Knowledge of programme management cycle (programming, calls for projects, project selection, monitoring, evaluation, closure etc.)
Specific knowledge on evaluation – themes of cooperation
Experience and knowledge relating to public procurement
Experience and knowledge relating to consulting methods, in bi- or multinational projects
well-founded knowledge in English ( Level C1)

Personal skills
Intercultural skills to work in an international team
Willingness to travel and to work on a flexible time schedule
Time management and organizational skills
Attention to detail and accuracy
well-founded communication skills, co-operative working approach, analytical and conceptual approach
Terms and conditions for employment
The employment contract will be established with EU-Förderagentur GmbH
This is a position for maternity leave replacement. The employment contract starts with a one-month probation period and is limited until the person to be replaced returns from maternity leave
The employment is foreseen on a 40 hours per week basis
The working place is Vienna (Austria)
Working conditions include flexible working time (with core working time) and home-office arrangements
Monthly gross salary offered: Minimum € 3.500,- (14-times, for 40 hours/week). The minimum salary can be adapted according to qualification and experiences of the candidate

Submission of applications
Interested candidates are invited to apply online via this online system. Applications sent by e-mail or other forms different than the online system will not be considered. The application shall include:
A motivation letter in English of no more than one page;
A detailed curriculum vitae
To upload the CV and motivation letter (in PDF) please follow the instructions in the online application tool.

Wir haben das AMS-Service für Unternehmen mit einer Vorauswahl beauftragt.
Senden Sie Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen wie oben beschrieben unter Angabe
der Auftragsnummer (ADG-Nr. 15921713 ), per E-Mail an Frau Kaspar-Oleschko:

luisa.kaspar-oleschko@ams.at > Betreff: ADG-Nr. 15921713 / Vor- und Zuname

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Bewerbung!

Angaben des Unternehmens gemäß Gleichbehandlungsgesetz:

Das Mindestentgelt für die Stelle als Evaluation Officer (m/f/d) beträgt 3.500,00 EUR brutto pro Monat auf Basis Vollzeitbeschäftigung. Bereitschaft zur Überzahlung.



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